First Name
Last Name
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
What Study do you want to lead?
Approaching the Heart of Prophecy, with Graham Cooke. 10 sessions
Ephesians Bible Study, with video recordings of teachings, 6 sessions
Philippians Bible Study, with video recordings of teachings, 4 sessions
Fashioned to Reign, by Kris Vallotton, 8 sessions
Love Does, by Bob Goff, 8 weeks
Penetrating the Darkness, by Dr. Jack Hayford, 6 sessions
On what day and time will your group meet?
Type of group:
Choose one
In my home
Online (zoom, facebook, etc)
If your group will be meeting in your home, do you have any pets? Please list:
If your group will be meeting in your home, how many women can you accommodate?
Frequency of meetings:
Choose one
Every week
Every other week?